
Declutter a small corner of the house per day is good enough

Do you feel overwhelmed as to where or how to start decluttering your house?  You can start small. One corner, one drawer, one table, one cupboard, or even one box. Once you start the ball rolling, you will be more motivated to do a bigger area, or even one room.  Look what I did just today to revamp a small section in my kitchen cabinet drawers. 1. Before After. I only placed the essential tools on the first drawer for easy access.       2. Before After. I also placed the small plates and bowls and tools here as they are used most frequently on my second drawer. 3. Before After. I organised based on their functions - baking, cooking, tongs, ladles, removal of plates and bowls from steamer and oven. 4. Before After. I removed the containers and placed a non-slipped mat below. I stored the less frequent used tools here. I kept the baking stuff together with my other baking tools in another storage area. 5.  Declutter all these. You will be surprised at the small and little stuff that yo

Where you can recyle your paper-related waste and earn some rebates?

I chanced upon a paper recycling bin one morning at Mega@Woodlands. I knew about getting some small incentive for recycling plastic bottles and cans, but not paper, till I saw this. Powered by Tai Hing, you can recycle any paper products, cartons into this blue bin. Located in all parts of Singapore, you can check their website for other locations by registering an account with them. More information will be given after you have an account, including the rebate amount. You can also read more about their service on their website without creating an account. I gathered my waste papers and tried out the service. It is located at Lobby E of Mega@Woodlands. It was good! Now, we have a permanent section in our house to gather all paper, plastic bottles and cans for recycling. It also created a positive impact in the family for the children to learn.   

An item per day - increasing to 5 items per day!

 I took a long break in getting back my motivation to declutter my house and ultimately my life. I decided to start small to get the mood back on track. In the past, I jotted down each and every item I threw out on a notebook and surprisingly I threw more than 365 items in a year. It is quite easy for beginners, an item a day.  This year, I decided to up my quota and tried to threw out 5 items per day, without jotting down the things on the notebook. I started on one section in the house so that I do not get lethargic after 15 mins. Some of the stuffs were there and if they get into your bad impression for more than 3 times, you have to remove them from your sight once and for all. Trust me, it will benefit your eyes and mind for good. Try it!  

Donating your unused recycling or shopping bags

Shopped too much? I knew of a friend who keeps a lot of shopping bags in her house and took up so much space. In face, she shared that she threw almost 3 cartons of bags during her shift to new place. That was a lot to me. She would have cleared them long ago and free up the space to put other things or simply left the space empty. I tried as much not to get any shopping bags from shops as I brought my own foldable recycling bag in my backpack. I used to have a lot of recycling bags and paper bags. I donated 90% to the nearby library. For some paper bags, I folded them up to a tray or organiser to keep my small items in the drawers. I also used them in my closet to put small towels or undergarments. Not only I saved money to buy trays, I can also reuse the paper bags. In my next post, I will list down what decluttering projects I have done in 2020.

Donating your used pens - Save That Pen

Do you have a lot of pens? Bought a lot but never used? Bought but not much ink left? Do not like the "feel" of writing? Want to save the environment? One day, I came across this organisation in Facebook. I checked out their website - Save That Pen and immediately, I gathered all my pens in the house for this great cause. (Visit their website to find find out more.) Gee! The pens are small, but I never knew I had so many pens hiding in every corner of my house. I went to two of their bin collection locations so far. ( Locations ) 1. Nee Soon South Community Club (nearest MRT station - Khatib) You need to walk a short distance to locate this place. The bin is located outside their general office. 2. Tampines Regional Library (nearest MRT station - Tampines) You need to walk a short distance to locate this place. The bin is located outside PIXEL labs inside the library on Level 4. Their collection bins are in the shape of a pen. It is quite eas

How do I document my decluttering journey - Hobonichi Techno Cousin

Decluttering is a long and labourious journey. At least that is what I feel and I believe some of my friends and readers feel the same way too. We are too attached to our things. Agree? I have tried many ways to document my decluttering journey. They do not seem to work so far. I tried to write down how many bags I threw everyday, but did not worked very well. I began to lost touch on how much I decluttered and how much more I need to work on. I came across this book in Instagram and luckily there is a Japanese translated to Chinese copy available in Kinokuniya. This is my first to go book to read on why Ofumi has transformed her house to minimalist one. Very interesting. She has written a lot of books but so far, I only saw 3 translated books. The one below talked about how writing a journal helps to achieve her dreams. One of her dreams is to be a minimalist. I decided to follow her method and start to document my decluttering journey proper. I bought this book from Popula

我的家裡空無一物. わたしのウチにはなんにもない。

It has been a super long while since I blogged about my decluttering journey. I have too many tasks on hand and have been thinking a lot on how I can document all these in a proper way. I will be sharing them in my next post. I have packed up at least 10 garbage bags out of my house during spring cleaning. The most obvious furniture was my 5 tier cabinet. I felt great and will not want to replace another cabinet in its place again. I chanced upon a Japanese drama on decluttering or minimalism called <<我的家裡空無一物>>. わたしのウチにはなんにもない on YouTube. It is in Japanese with Chinese subtitles. I love it so much and kinda watched more than once. I read the manga version written by 缓莉舞(Yururi Mai) too but unfortunately most of her manga series are not translated to Chinese. Book from the library This is my goal! There are total of 6 episodes. Highly recommended!